Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have tickets!

I bought my tickets on Friday so it's all official and laid out. No turning back! I still have a lot of details to iron out in the next 5 weeks. It keeps getting closer faster, pretty soon it'll be here and I'll be leaving.

Please continue to pray that God would provide in His time and that I would be able to get done the things that I need to get done.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Since I sent out my letter...

I've had a few changes in schedule. I won't be going to England to see my sister, per the Lord's direction. And I will be going to the Philippines to check out the midwifery school, but I will be going before Cambodia for one week rather than after.

My prayer letter from January

Dear Friends and Family,

I’m writing to let you know what is going on in my life and to ask you to pray for me. I’m not asking for money, though if you want to support me monetarily, this gives you that option. I know that when and where God directs, He provides, and I’m doing my very best to walk in obedience to Him.

The last year has been a bit of a rollercoaster concerning plans, but here’s a brief overview of what the next eight months will look like for me.

I’m leaving the States the end of March. I will be going to Mestre (mainland Venice) to work with Carmen, a missionary friend who I’ve known for quite a few years. She is a single career missionary who has been there about 15 years working on a church plant. Italy is very Catholic, and their church is the only Protestant church in the area. My rough estimate is that there are less than 50 people in the congregation. I have been e-mailing Carmen and she’s hoping I’ll be able to teach a quilting class as an outreach to women, while I’m there. Other than that, I’ll just be helping her with what she does everyday.

I’ll be leaving Italy around April 20th to visit my sister in England. From there, I will be going to Greece for a discipleship course, May 1st through June 14th. We will be studying the Epistles of Paul aboard a 90 ft schooner, learning to sail and doing outreach in port towns.

Next comes Cambodia, with Global Ventures, through the Christian and Missionary Alliance. I have received confirmation that I will be there from about June 17th through the end of July. I’ll be working with missionaries, along with one to five other students.

After I leave Cambodia, Lord willing, I will be going to Davao in the Philippines to visit an International Christian midwifery school that a friend of mine has gone to. The Lord has flung the door wide open and I’m very excited about the possibility of a career as a midwife on the mission field. If everything works out and the Lord provides for tuition, the plan would be for me to go down for their two year program in the fall of 2010.

I’ve gotten price quotes for airfare and it will be about $3,000 for all my destinations. I will also be purchasing overseas health insurance which will be around $150 or less for five months. Expenses in Italy will be about $400. I have already paid for the discipleship course in Greece. The price for Cambodia will likely be around $3,000. I also have necessary vaccines that cost between $350 and $500. My head is starting to spin, but my Heavenly Father “owns the cattle on a thousand hills,” and I know He will provide.

I will write again when I have more information about Cambodia. I’m very much looking forward to what God is going to do in and through me during the next year.

Please pray

~That I will trust God completely.
~That I will be teachable, and have a servant’s heart.

~That God would provide the funds needed.

~That God will use people and places to reveal Himself, and His plans for my life.

My long term goal is to go into overseas missions, so my reason for going to Italy, Cambodia and the Philippines is to give me a better idea of what life is like overseas; and to see how different missionaries do things. I got a taste in Taipei and I look forward to seeing other facets of the overseas’ mission field. I know this is going to be a huge year of growing and learning and stretching. I’m very excited, and frankly, terrified. God is working in my heart to bring me to trust Him more and taking this trip is a big part of that. I feel very blessed that He has opened the doors and given me the strength to walk through them.

Thank you for making time to read this, and I appreciate your prayers. If you would like to contribute financially, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to Mercer Creek Church; please write “N. Beebe, G.V. Trip” in the memo line, and mail to:

Mercer Creek Church

1407 N “B” Street

Ellensburg, WA 98926

In His Service,

Naomi Beebe

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi Everyone!

I thought it'd be a good idea to start blogging as I'll be out of the country for about four and a half months this year and it's a good way to let you all know what's going on in my life. So that's about it for now, I'll update before I leave and do my best to get on at least once a month while I'm gone.
