Monday, July 20, 2009

2 weeks and counting!

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying being here and now, but after not being home for 4 months I'm excited to sleep in my bed and see my parents and talk to people that I miss sooo much.

Field Forum was last week and it was great, even though it rained most of every day. I we did have a sunny day yesterday, which was wonderful, we went to the beach and had a wonderful time.

It was great to be able to talk to some of the different missionaries and hear what they do and how they got here. I am very excited that I have the opportunity to go up to Poipet, on the border by Thailand, to help the Copelands get their house cleaned up a bit. Jonathan and I are going up there on Wednesday and we'll stay with them till Friday when we'll go to Siem Riep for English camp next week.

I work mostly with the youth, 11-18. but I went with the little kids a couple times, I really enjoyed hanging out with the youth, for as long as I can remember I've gotten along really well with MKs and these ones were no exception, we had a great time talking about life issues and hanging out and playing lots of games.

Last night we were driving form the hotel that Field Forum was at to our hotel, because they couldn't take us all, and I saw an uprooted tree, a small one, in ther middle of the road, Jonathan said it's basically their version of a trafic flare. I found it very amusing and thought you all might as well.

I don't know what my internet access will be like in Siem Riep, so you might not hear much more from me, but I've said that a few times. Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray for extra grace and wisdom in relationships and dealing with team memebers. And please pray for safety in travel as well as we'll be doing a lot of travel this week.


Monday, July 13, 2009

I'll be home in 3 weeks!!!

Hi Friends,

English camp is all over and it went well. I formed some strong bonds with some of the girls that live at the dorm that the Lobbezoos run, which is cool cause we'll be spending 4 days with them next week and they're very excited.

We are going down to the beach for field forum tomorrow for the week. I will be working with a young man named Jonathan from CA. He's really cool and I'm excited to work with him with the youth.

I can't think of much more to say and I have a lot going on around me so it's hard to concentrate. Please pray for unity of our team and a good time at field forum this week, safety in travel and all that.


Friday, July 3, 2009

One more month and I'll be home!

That considered, I'm trying to live in the moment and not get burnt out and apathetic about what God's doing here and what He wants to do in me.

We are moving to another guest house today and we won't have wireless access anymore, so it's possible that I won't be able to send any more updates out until I come home. I may, I'm not sure what it'll be like at field forum, so it's possible I might be able to send out something then.

But just in case I don't have any access I want to give you my schedule so you can know what I'm up to and be praying.
This week, Monday through Saturday, we will be doing an English camp here in Phnom Penh, the students are mostly high school and college age. We do worship and testimonies from the short termers for opening, then split up into groups of about 20 for 2-3 hours for "classroom" time. I will be over a group of 4 short termers who will be teaching a group of 20. Then we have lunch and a break then at 2 we will go somewhere, we're going to the market one day, the water park another, the mall another, etc. Then we're done for the day. Friday we're taking a day long trip to the zoo I think and then Saturday we have a little celebration/graduation and it's over.
After English camp we have a short break and then the 14th we'll go down to the gulf of Thailand for Field Forum. I'm pretty sure I'll be with the youth, 12-18ish, hanging out with them while their parents are in meetings and generally just having fun with them, I'm sure we'll be doing some "constructive" stuff too! We'll be down there until the 20th and then we'll come back to Phnom Penh for a day or two.
Around the 23rd we take a bus up to Siem Reap for another English camp up there, same thing pretty much, except we'll have less students and less short termers. So I'll have more interaction with the students and more "teaching" time. We come back to Phnom Penh on the 2nd and then I fly out with Jackie on the 3rd.

I think that's about it. Please pray for love for the students, and good team dynamics between us interns and also the teams that are arriving today. We have 16 people coming to help with this English Camp. Thanks again to those of you who have sent me e-mails and encouragement cards, I don't have the time to respond to each of you, but it has been a huge blessing. Please also continue to pray for my funding. Thank you for all your prayers and support.
