Friday, April 17, 2009

a bit tardy!

Hi Everyone,

ok, so... The quilting classes are all over. They finished well, most of the ladies got them bound, though I think all but one or two still had some quilting to do. By the second week of classes the ladies were all mostly listening to the devotionals and by the last couple days they were stopping what they were doing for the most part so they could focus on the story. The last devotional was the Easter story and I think all the devotionals clearly presented the gospel. The Lord promises that His word will not return void, so please continue to pray that He will continue to tug at their hearts and that they would turn to Him.

One of the ladies, Loretta, from the evening class is coming over for dinner tonight, she's very sweet, it will be late morning for you all when she's here. Please pray that we would have to opportunity to turn our conversation toward spiritual things.

Carmen and i went down to Umbria, that's a province or state or whatever they call them here, after church on Sunday and spent a few days with a wonderful missionary family in Umbertide. We had a wonderful time resting and visiting and in general having an amazing time. We were able to visit Perugia, which was gorgeous, spring is in full swing here, so all the trees are blooming and starting to leaf out.

Please be praying for a lady, Signora Carmen, she's in the hospital right now, Carmen and I have been going to visit her about once a week for the last few weeks. We went to see her on Wednesday and she was yellow, like her liver is failing. We're going again this afternoon to see her. She is not a Christian, she's been around the church here a lot over the last several years, but she hasn't come to a realization of her sin and she has no urgency concerning her salvation. On Wed when we went I spent most of the hour that we were there praying and crying out to God to get hold of this dear woman's heart, when we left I was completely exhausted, as if I weren't tired enough before. I always forget how draining it is to fight spiritual battles, maybe that mean I don't engage often enough, or maybe it just means that I see that the battle is worth fighting so the cost seems small. Also, please pray for Mara, Signora Carmen's roommate. She's been hearing everything Carmen has been telling Signora Carmen and she told Carmen that she feels like it would be wrong to turn to God now when she ignored Him while she was well. They both seem near death's door and they're near the end of having a choice, it's absolutely horrible to think of them entering eternity without life.

I received an envelope from Mercer Creek Church the other day with encouragement cards, and they certainly were encouraging, thanks to those who sent them, it was a blessing. It was wonderful to have something familiar from home.

I'm completely in love with Italy, and the people here. God only knows where I'll wind up eventually but I'm beginning to realize that I very easily fall in love with places and people, which may be a good thing, but it's also a hard thing.

Carmen and I went to Sylvia's house for a Bible study yesterday. Sylvia is the sweetest old lady you will ever meet, and she loves the Lord so much, it was amazingly encouraging. I want to be like her when I grow up! She doesn't let life get her down, she praises the Lord for the good and the bad and loves everyone around her and prays for her family to come to the Lord.

Tomorrow evening Carmen and all the other missionaries here in Mestre and a couple from the church are going over to Ziggy's house for dinner. Ziggy is an American who has been in Italy for over 10 years I think, but she doesn't speak much more Italian than I do. She was rather distraught when she found out I was going to be around because she just couldn't fit one more person at her table. I do not mean this in a bad way at all, you'd have to know Ziggy to really understand, she felt quite bad about it, but Carmen solved the "problem" by finding something for me to do! So Saturday evening I will be spending the evening with Francesca, an Italian who speaks amazing English, she came to Mestre to work with the church, she's wonderful and I'm very much looking forward to spending the time with her, and her roommate Nicola, who is from England.

I think I'm going to stop now, i feel like I'm forgetting something, but oh well. I will try to get the photos from the quilting classes and from our trip to Umbertide uploaded soon.

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