Thursday, April 23, 2009

one week left...

First off, I realized that I completely forgot to tell you all about Easter here, and I want to apologize. We had an all church breakfast Easter morning, mostly American style, it was well received and fairly well attended. The service was great, we did a short skit about the two thieves on the crosses beside Jesus, that was good, though unfortunately it hadn't been rehearsed, so it had some stalls, but overall the service went well and we had a young lady come up at the end and testify that she had turned her life over to Christ the Sunday before, so that was the perfect ending to an Easter service. Right after the service was over Carmen and I went down to Umbertide, and I believe I told you all about that last week, so I won't repeat myself.

I'm leaving here next Wednesday morning, so we're doing our best to make the most of my last week here, Yesterday we spent all morning and part of the afternoon in Venice. It ha rained on an off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and we were praying for good weather and it was crystal clear yesterday and warm and wonderful, which was great, and then it rained again today, so that was big blessing that God gave us a beautiful day. We got to the bus a bit later than we had hoped to and one of the ladies from the evening class was here checking on her mom's old house so we visited with her all the way into Venice, she works at the university there. Then we met up with a couple ladies from the morning class and had coffee and wandered Venice for a couple hours, God opened up some great doors for Carmen to talk to them about the gospel, another huge answer to prayer. Then we met up with one of the ladies from the church and she took us to see a glass blowing demonstration, which was amazing and she also took us to a lace making school and they showed us around and God opened up another door for Carmen to talk to them about the church here and stuff and the three ladies that were there asked to be invited the next time they did a quilting class. After we left Venice we went to a lady's house that one of Carmen's former colleagues knew to drop something off for her and God opened up more doors and she was interested in coming to the ladies' tea next month that they're doing as a follow up to the quilting class. There will be a Christian lady coming from another area to share the gospel through quilts.

I'm working to try to get a few last projects done before I go. I have a banner to finish, a flannel graph board to cover for Carmen and a couple of other things, there's no chance of me running out of things to do. :)

It has been so wonderful to be a part of pouring into people's lives, it's frustrating because I can't communicate, but I can love them and that goes beyond words. Please be praying for the four ladies that we had contact with yesterday, Flavia, Daniella, Luisa and Marita, pray that they would see their need of a Savior and turn to Him. Please also join me in praying for God's provision. I found out late last week that very little money has come in to the church since I left and Cambodia is $2,200 and not a penny of that is paid for. I trust that God will provide, I have no idea how, but there's no turning back now and I trust that He will provide in His time and in His way. But please join me in praying for that need. Also, please continue to pray for Signora Carmen, she's quite obstinate and only by a miracle will she live more than a month more from my perspective. Pray also for her roommate Mara, she's more interested in the gospel than Signora Carmen, but Signora Carmen keeps telling Carmen not to bother Mara.

I don't know if I'll be able to send out another e-mail before I leave, and I don't know how consistent I'll be able to be over the following 6 weeks, but I will do my best. Thanks you so much for your prayers and support.
I added more photos to this album.
and here's the pics from our trip to Umbertide.

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