Tuesday, March 31, 2009

5 days in Italia!

Well, I've been here for five days now. We spent the last 4 days insanely getting ready for the quilting class, we barely had it together for the classes yesterday, but God is gracious and we did make it. We had 7 people in the morning class and 9 in the evening class, it was a good amount.

The morning class was an older group and very traditional, Catholic, like most of Italy. Aparently the Catholic church in Italy is much different than in America, the older generation at least is very closed to "Protestants", Steve said they think of us as JWs or Hare Krishnas. However the evening class was a younger group, 30s to 40s I think, and they were much more open and they had a wonderful time, Cindy told them that next time she would tell them a short Bible story while they were sewing and they were quite pleased with that.

I do miss home a bit, especially when I'm having a hard time getting along with certain personality types, but God is working on me and I trust that He is using it all for the best.

Last night I had a wonderful chat with a young man, Thomas, who was here helping Carmen with children's programs the last week and a half. Their flight got cancelled yesterday and so they had an extra night here. He's fromm Austria but he's spent this school year working at a Bible college in Sweden. Thomas is a young Christian, but his passion and devotion to the Lord are inspiring and refreshing, it was wonderful to talk of the things of the Lord!

Please pray for the coming quilting classes, they are on M,W,F at 10-12 in the morning and 8-10 in the evening. Last night's class would have stayed until midnight if we'd let them I think. We are 9 hours ahead here, so the morning class would be from 1-3 in the morning in WA and the evening would be from 11 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.

Thanks for all you prayers. Feel free to e-mail me or facebook me or whatever, I'll do my best to respond, I don't think that my life will be as crazy for the rest of the time I'm here. :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My latest letter

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Dear Friends and Family,
My trip is upon me, I’m leaving tomorrow. I know everything will work out in God’s time. I have received more information since my last letter and details have come together. It’s very exciting to see how God has worked and continues to make everything happen at the right time.
Here’s my itinerary:
Italy 3/27-4/28
Greece 4/29-6/15
Philippines 6/17-6/24
Cambodia 6/25-8/2
Some gracious women donated fabric for the quilting class I’ll be doing in Mestre, and I purchased a bit of backing and batting for the quilts. The lady that I’m doing the class with, Cindy, is very excited. We decided to make prayer/comfort shawls or wall hangings. I’ll also be helping to make banners for their new church building. Carmen will keep me pretty busy with her everyday ministries. I think we’ll be doing some park ministry with children, as well.
I’ve had a good deal of contact with the girls, though not with the guys, who are doing Impact Training in Greece. We’re all looking forward to getting to know each other. We’ll be meeting in Athens a day early, where we will do some sight seeing, then travel up to Volos together. I will have very limited internet contact on this leg of my journey.
Due to conflicting schedules I’ll be going to the Philippines immediately after Greece, to visit the midwifery school. The best thing about that is that my friend Janelle will still be there, so I’ll get to see her and get a better perspective on things, since there will be someone there that I know. I’ll be there for one week; Global Ventures was willing to push the Cambodia trip back some and I wanted to be sensitive to their scheduling.
I’ll be in Cambodia for about 5 1/2 weeks. I’ve had contact with the Lobbezoos--the missionaries I’ll be working and staying with. There will be one other person on the team, Jackie, from Nyack College in New York. We will be helping with two English camps, and we will spend one week on the Gulf of Thailand where the CMA missionaries in Cambodia are having their annual conference--Jackie and I will be watching over the missionaries’ children while they’re in meetings. The cost of airfare was taken out of Global Ventures’ total, making it $2250, $1600 less than the original cost.
As of today, my tickets are paid for. That leaves $2250 for GV, $500 for Italy and around $150 for costs in the Philippines. Please pray that God would continue to provide. I know He has the resources and I choose to trust Him, I know that God promises to provide when we seek His Kingdom and follow Him. I’m continually reminded that faith is a choice, not a feeling, and that brings me peace
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, prayers, and donations. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on what’s happening via the internet, please drop me an e-mail at beebekn@juno.com, with a quick note asking to be added to my e-mail newsletter list. You can track me through Facebook, or follow my blog, http://naomi-thetravelingnome.blogspot.com/. There will be more pictures on Facebook than on the blog, but I will upload photos to both sites.

Naomi Beebe

Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting close

It's countdown time, I have 13 days left in America! I still have a lot left to do, and here I sit, I'm actually waiting for my ticket reservation for one of my flights in the Philippines to go through, it's taking forever.

Erin B. through me a beautiful shower on Sunday, I got the chance to share with everyone that came--close to 50 people--a bit more about what I was doing and all I've found out since my letter went out.

Finances: I have close to half of what I need, I think I almost have my tickets paid for, praise the Lord! Yes, my tickets are about half the cost of the trip.

I have everything that I need either ordered or written down to buy in town in the next week or two. All my immunizations are done, yay!!!

I can't think of anything else to say at the moment. I'm enjoying being very at peace and not the least bit worried right now, things are coming together and I trust that God will continue to work things out in His time. I'm hoping that this isn't fleeting and I'm not going to be freaking out tomorrow. :)