Sunday, June 14, 2009

On the "road" again!

Hi friends,

I'm leaving Greece today. :( It has been a wonderful 6 weeks, the speakers and life lessons have built on the foundation that was already laid, so I am confident that it will all stick well.

I'm doing some running around in Athens this morning and then my flight leaves this afternoon around 2, I have 2 long layovers and I will get to the midwifery school early Wednesday morning. I am very excited about this leg of my trip. My prayer, and I would ask you to join me in praying, is that I would sense God's clear leading as to whether this is what He wants me to pursue right now.

In a week and a half I'll be in Cambodia, I still don't know anything more about what I'll be doing or where I'll be most of the time, but I'm sure it will all come together.

The 2 biggest lessons that I took away from our sailing trip was the continued need to let my plans rest in God's hands and not feel like I always have to be in control, that it's better not to freak out because it never helps. And that I need to submit to my brothers and sisters in Christ in love and not always have to be right. These weren't lessons I learned only on the boat, God had been teaching me them before, but they were driven home while sailing.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. A quick update on my financial situation, at least what I know of it, the Lord provided close to $2,000 last month, so I'm a lot closer to having all I need.


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