Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm home!!!

It's a bit strange, after being gone over four months, some things at home and around Ellensburg are the same, some are different, and I know that I've changed, but I could also see myself slipping right back into where I was before and not changing a bit, which I definitely don't want to do. It's very good to be home, I've missed my family a lot and I've missed Ellensburg and Mercer Creek Church too.

The last weeks in Cambodia were good, I went up to Poipet to help a missionary family get moved into their house after home assignment, I think it was the highlight of my time in Cambodia. The last week was English Camp in Siem Reap, and that was a bit hard, only because I was ready to come home and it was hard to keep my heart there, it was a great English Camp, not because the students knew a lot of English but because of the fellowship and fun that was had.

I'm now in the midst of trying to process things while trying to get over a cold, and figure out if I ate something bad or if I picked up a parasite in my last week. :( I've got a lot of stuff to do in the next year if I want to go to NewLife next year in the Philippines, so I'm starting to get some balls rolling in that area as well.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support and e-mails, I've been very blessed and I certainly couldn't have done all that I did without you all. I have yet to contact the church and find out what my financial situation is, I know I probably still owe GV a bit for Cambodia and I have $500 I need to send to Carmen for Italy, but if nothing else I can pay that back when I start working this fall.

Thank you all so much, I look forward to seeing most of you and sharing stories from the last months.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 weeks and counting!

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying being here and now, but after not being home for 4 months I'm excited to sleep in my bed and see my parents and talk to people that I miss sooo much.

Field Forum was last week and it was great, even though it rained most of every day. I we did have a sunny day yesterday, which was wonderful, we went to the beach and had a wonderful time.

It was great to be able to talk to some of the different missionaries and hear what they do and how they got here. I am very excited that I have the opportunity to go up to Poipet, on the border by Thailand, to help the Copelands get their house cleaned up a bit. Jonathan and I are going up there on Wednesday and we'll stay with them till Friday when we'll go to Siem Riep for English camp next week.

I work mostly with the youth, 11-18. but I went with the little kids a couple times, I really enjoyed hanging out with the youth, for as long as I can remember I've gotten along really well with MKs and these ones were no exception, we had a great time talking about life issues and hanging out and playing lots of games.

Last night we were driving form the hotel that Field Forum was at to our hotel, because they couldn't take us all, and I saw an uprooted tree, a small one, in ther middle of the road, Jonathan said it's basically their version of a trafic flare. I found it very amusing and thought you all might as well.

I don't know what my internet access will be like in Siem Riep, so you might not hear much more from me, but I've said that a few times. Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray for extra grace and wisdom in relationships and dealing with team memebers. And please pray for safety in travel as well as we'll be doing a lot of travel this week.


Monday, July 13, 2009

I'll be home in 3 weeks!!!

Hi Friends,

English camp is all over and it went well. I formed some strong bonds with some of the girls that live at the dorm that the Lobbezoos run, which is cool cause we'll be spending 4 days with them next week and they're very excited.

We are going down to the beach for field forum tomorrow for the week. I will be working with a young man named Jonathan from CA. He's really cool and I'm excited to work with him with the youth.

I can't think of much more to say and I have a lot going on around me so it's hard to concentrate. Please pray for unity of our team and a good time at field forum this week, safety in travel and all that.


Friday, July 3, 2009

One more month and I'll be home!

That considered, I'm trying to live in the moment and not get burnt out and apathetic about what God's doing here and what He wants to do in me.

We are moving to another guest house today and we won't have wireless access anymore, so it's possible that I won't be able to send any more updates out until I come home. I may, I'm not sure what it'll be like at field forum, so it's possible I might be able to send out something then.

But just in case I don't have any access I want to give you my schedule so you can know what I'm up to and be praying.
This week, Monday through Saturday, we will be doing an English camp here in Phnom Penh, the students are mostly high school and college age. We do worship and testimonies from the short termers for opening, then split up into groups of about 20 for 2-3 hours for "classroom" time. I will be over a group of 4 short termers who will be teaching a group of 20. Then we have lunch and a break then at 2 we will go somewhere, we're going to the market one day, the water park another, the mall another, etc. Then we're done for the day. Friday we're taking a day long trip to the zoo I think and then Saturday we have a little celebration/graduation and it's over.
After English camp we have a short break and then the 14th we'll go down to the gulf of Thailand for Field Forum. I'm pretty sure I'll be with the youth, 12-18ish, hanging out with them while their parents are in meetings and generally just having fun with them, I'm sure we'll be doing some "constructive" stuff too! We'll be down there until the 20th and then we'll come back to Phnom Penh for a day or two.
Around the 23rd we take a bus up to Siem Reap for another English camp up there, same thing pretty much, except we'll have less students and less short termers. So I'll have more interaction with the students and more "teaching" time. We come back to Phnom Penh on the 2nd and then I fly out with Jackie on the 3rd.

I think that's about it. Please pray for love for the students, and good team dynamics between us interns and also the teams that are arriving today. We have 16 people coming to help with this English Camp. Thanks again to those of you who have sent me e-mails and encouragement cards, I don't have the time to respond to each of you, but it has been a huge blessing. Please also continue to pray for my funding. Thank you for all your prayers and support.


Monday, June 29, 2009


Here's the FB link to my pics.

Phnom Penh--a city of contrasts!

I've been here close to a week and the thing that has been most firmly impressed upon me is the stark contrasts here in Phnom Penh. If I can ever get Facebook to work I'll upload some pics so you can all see what I mean. There are huge ornate houses, new malls and banks right next to shacks up on stilts and motorcycle-drawn carts with people riding on them, 20 plus people piled into the back of a truck, people wearing fancy clothes, monks, nuns, homeless kids begging, trash on the side of the road, pollution enough to make you sick, literally. It's quite incredible. I've heard that outside of Phnom Penh they're just mostly poor and there isn't the contrast of western society mixed with a third world country. I look forward to seeing what it's like in other areas.

We've been doing some language study, just some basics for introductions and getting around, going to the market, that kind of stuff. You can't get very far in 5 weeks when you're doing lots of other stuff. We've been around the city to see some different things, an old prison/torture camp in the city that has been turned into a memorial museum, a temple, the new mall they just built last year, which is very impressive and we've hung out with some Kamai (Cambodians) several times, they all go to CMA churches here in Phnom Penh. We've had some great exposure to the culture and I have really appreciated the times when we've been able to go out with the Kamai because you get an inside perspective on stuff. I have always thought that the best way to learn about a country is from a national, and it rings true here, of course!

There will be a team arriving from Canada on Friday to help with the English camp that starts a week from today. We will be in charge of leading the teams and helping teach at the English camp. The week of the 14th we will be going down to the gulf of Thailand for Field Forum, all the CMA missionaries come together for an annual conference. Apparently I'll be working with the kids from 6-12ish I think, in the afternoons at least, I'm not sure what we're doing in the mornings. Then the week before I come home, so about July 26th through August 2nd we will be up in Siem Reap doing an english camp there. I'm not sure if we'll be going to visit any other missionaries while we're here, or not, I hope we'll get a bit of a chance to see some ministries outside of the city, we'll see.

We went to a CMA church in Phnom Penh yesterday, which was neat, they have a Kamai pastor and a decent sized congregation, I think there were close to 50 people, that's just a guess though, they also have a great youth/young people's group on Sunday afternoon that we went to and I was impressed especially by how many guys were there, it was very encouraging.

The Lobbezoos are coming back today and we're having dinner with them this evening, so I'm hopeful I'll find out some more stuff soon. I get along pretty well with Jackie and Caitlin, they are the two girls that I'm with, Jackie is the other GVer and Caity is an intern here for the summer. I have realized though that, other than being within a few years age wise, worshiping the same God and having a heart for missions, I don't have much in common with them. It's not a bad thing, it's just a bit hard. I had gotten used to being a bit alone in Greece and then I had this burst of kindreds in the Philippines and it's kinda hard to go back to being a bit alone again, but it's ok, I need to remember that God is enough.

Please pray for my health, I'm having some irritated skin issues, some eczema and rashing on my arms, I'm not sure if the rash is from sweating in the heat and chafing or what. My digestive system isn't very happy with me either, but I think it's just the massive amounts of MSG that I'm never quite sure is in something or not. Other than that I'm doing fine physically, just a little tired from time to time, but I'm not dealing with jet lag or anything, so that's nice.

The people here are very warm and friendly, easy to fall in love with. I know I will enjoy being here and it will be a bit hard to leave for the love of the Kamai, but I also know I will be very ready to come home!

I got my birthday package from home the day I arrived here, there was a pack of over 125 Encouragement card from my church and a few b-day cards as well. I did the math and decided to read 6 each day until my birthday and it has been so uplifting each evening to read notes from home, so thanks to everyone who sent something, it's been a huge blessing.

Please pray for endurance, and that I would lean on the Lord for my strength. Please pray that my eczema and rashes would clear up and that I would be able to eat things that won't irritate my digestive system. Pray for my growth, that I would learn what God has for me to learn here. And please continue to pray for my finances. Thank you for your prayers and support.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So long to the Philippines, for a while at least.

Hi everyone,

I'm heading to the airport in a couple hours, I didn't get much sleep last night as I was on night shift, so hopefully I'll sleep on the plane some. I saw only 2 births while I was here, but I also saw several labors and a couple of post partums, which is all good, need to be well rounded! I was just thinking last night, as I was going over charts with Janelle, how very much I've learned this week about everything, i understand sooo much more than I did a week ago. I'm quite sure that I want to come here for school. I'm praying that God will provide and that everything will come together well for it. I have a list from the girls of classes that it'd be good to take before I come here and they all suggested I do as many book reports as possible before I come to lighten my work load while I'm here. I've also been told that I'll be very likely to get accepted since I've come for a visit, so that's encouraging.

I'll be in Cambodia for 5 1/2 weeks, I know we're doing 2 English camps and the field forum, a conference for all the CMA missionaries in the country, Jackie and I will be hanging out with the kids. Other than that I haven't heard much, hopefully I'll find out more when I get there. Please pray for good team dynamics, there are a lot of people coming for parts of the summer and there's a lot going on.

Thanks for your prayers and support and e-mails, even if I don't write back it is so encouraging to get notes from you guys. Please continue to pray for my finances, that God would provide in His perfect time. Please pray for endurance for this last third of my trip. I miss home, not a deep aching missing, but I find myself thinking of home and friends and family often, it will be good to come home in August.


Friday, June 19, 2009

new pics and an update from the Philippines.

I got to see my first birth yesterday!!! It was absolutely amazing. I'm 99% sure that I want to come here next year to study. The staff are amazing and the workload and everything is such that it will definitely stick in my head. It won't be easy though, that's for sure. Please continue to pray that God would make His perfect will very clear and that He would provide for where He leads. Also, my atm card worked yesterday, PTL.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm in the Philippines!

Hi everyone, I've been in the Philippines for three days but I just got to the school yesterday. I got a short tour of the houses and the clinic yesterday and then Janelle and I went shopping and made dinner and took a walk in the rain, which was probably the best part of the day. :) I went to an outreach clinic this morning in another neighborhood, they do prenatals, blood tests and listen to the baby's heart beat. Then this afternoon I did swing shift, 2-10, with the girls in the birthroom, we had a couple ladies come in but there weren't any births, so I still haven't seen a birth yet. But, I will be in the birthroom for three or four more shifts, so I should get to see a few. I've had a great time catching up with Janelle and hearing about midwifery and it's been great to talk to the girls and get their opinions and advice and stuff, lots of good things to think about. The consensus seems to be that it's a really hard 2 years but it's totally worth it. I'm waiting to "decide" until I see a bit more and have a chance to observe more, but I'm pretty much sold on coming to school here, however I'm still asking the Lord for wisdom and trying to stay open.
Thanks for your prayers, please pray for direction and that I'd get to see a few births and that my atm card would work. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On the "road" again!

Hi friends,

I'm leaving Greece today. :( It has been a wonderful 6 weeks, the speakers and life lessons have built on the foundation that was already laid, so I am confident that it will all stick well.

I'm doing some running around in Athens this morning and then my flight leaves this afternoon around 2, I have 2 long layovers and I will get to the midwifery school early Wednesday morning. I am very excited about this leg of my trip. My prayer, and I would ask you to join me in praying, is that I would sense God's clear leading as to whether this is what He wants me to pursue right now.

In a week and a half I'll be in Cambodia, I still don't know anything more about what I'll be doing or where I'll be most of the time, but I'm sure it will all come together.

The 2 biggest lessons that I took away from our sailing trip was the continued need to let my plans rest in God's hands and not feel like I always have to be in control, that it's better not to freak out because it never helps. And that I need to submit to my brothers and sisters in Christ in love and not always have to be right. These weren't lessons I learned only on the boat, God had been teaching me them before, but they were driven home while sailing.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. A quick update on my financial situation, at least what I know of it, the Lord provided close to $2,000 last month, so I'm a lot closer to having all I need.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

half way through Greece

hi friends,

I'm having a hard time believing that I've been here 3 weeks and I only have 3 weeks left. I'm really enjoying getting to know people and learning from our teachers that are coming in every week. It's neat how diverse they are. We as students have gotten a lot more open with one another, which is cool, we're turning into one big family, with older siblings and younger annoying ones! :-) It's neat to get to know everyone. We visited Philippi a couple of days ago, it was amazing, quite a ruins, but it was cool to think that Paul and Silas and so many others had been there.

Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray that I would allow God to work in my heart, He's been teaching me a lot about yielding to others and loving them as Christ, so pray that I would be faithful in that.

Grace and peace,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

one week in Greece!

Well, I've been in Greece a week so far. I miss Italy, but I'm enjoying Greece and learning the ropes of sailing and binging in very close quarters with 14 other people! Group dynamics are interesting. I know they will get more interesting as everyone gets more comfortable, guards come down and all that. Theo and Sandra are wonderful, they are the couple that runs the program, Sandra is a wonderful cook and we're eating very well! Theo is a good teacher and says we're learning things quickly.

One of the biggest lessons I've realized that God is teaching me this year is that of yielding to others, whether I think they know what they're talking about or not.

Please be praying for our unity in our teams and small groups. We have been split up into 3 watch teams, four people each and 2 small groups, 6 people each. I see that there are a few personalities that have chafed a bit and when people get more comfortable, the worst and best comes out, so my prayer is that it won't get too nasty. And especially that I will act in an honorable way toward those around me, particularly those I can clash with. I can't control the way they act, but I can control the way I act and respond.

Thanks for your prayers and notes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm in Greece!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know I'm in Greece safe and sound. I had a wonderful time in Italy and was a bit sad to go, but do know that God has a lot of wonderful things ahead to teach and show me. Thank you all for your prayers and notes. I've been very encouraged. I'm still trusting that God will provide for my finances.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

one week left...

First off, I realized that I completely forgot to tell you all about Easter here, and I want to apologize. We had an all church breakfast Easter morning, mostly American style, it was well received and fairly well attended. The service was great, we did a short skit about the two thieves on the crosses beside Jesus, that was good, though unfortunately it hadn't been rehearsed, so it had some stalls, but overall the service went well and we had a young lady come up at the end and testify that she had turned her life over to Christ the Sunday before, so that was the perfect ending to an Easter service. Right after the service was over Carmen and I went down to Umbertide, and I believe I told you all about that last week, so I won't repeat myself.

I'm leaving here next Wednesday morning, so we're doing our best to make the most of my last week here, Yesterday we spent all morning and part of the afternoon in Venice. It ha rained on an off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and we were praying for good weather and it was crystal clear yesterday and warm and wonderful, which was great, and then it rained again today, so that was big blessing that God gave us a beautiful day. We got to the bus a bit later than we had hoped to and one of the ladies from the evening class was here checking on her mom's old house so we visited with her all the way into Venice, she works at the university there. Then we met up with a couple ladies from the morning class and had coffee and wandered Venice for a couple hours, God opened up some great doors for Carmen to talk to them about the gospel, another huge answer to prayer. Then we met up with one of the ladies from the church and she took us to see a glass blowing demonstration, which was amazing and she also took us to a lace making school and they showed us around and God opened up another door for Carmen to talk to them about the church here and stuff and the three ladies that were there asked to be invited the next time they did a quilting class. After we left Venice we went to a lady's house that one of Carmen's former colleagues knew to drop something off for her and God opened up more doors and she was interested in coming to the ladies' tea next month that they're doing as a follow up to the quilting class. There will be a Christian lady coming from another area to share the gospel through quilts.

I'm working to try to get a few last projects done before I go. I have a banner to finish, a flannel graph board to cover for Carmen and a couple of other things, there's no chance of me running out of things to do. :)

It has been so wonderful to be a part of pouring into people's lives, it's frustrating because I can't communicate, but I can love them and that goes beyond words. Please be praying for the four ladies that we had contact with yesterday, Flavia, Daniella, Luisa and Marita, pray that they would see their need of a Savior and turn to Him. Please also join me in praying for God's provision. I found out late last week that very little money has come in to the church since I left and Cambodia is $2,200 and not a penny of that is paid for. I trust that God will provide, I have no idea how, but there's no turning back now and I trust that He will provide in His time and in His way. But please join me in praying for that need. Also, please continue to pray for Signora Carmen, she's quite obstinate and only by a miracle will she live more than a month more from my perspective. Pray also for her roommate Mara, she's more interested in the gospel than Signora Carmen, but Signora Carmen keeps telling Carmen not to bother Mara.

I don't know if I'll be able to send out another e-mail before I leave, and I don't know how consistent I'll be able to be over the following 6 weeks, but I will do my best. Thanks you so much for your prayers and support.
I added more photos to this album.
and here's the pics from our trip to Umbertide.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New photos

Friday, April 17, 2009

a bit tardy!

Hi Everyone,

ok, so... The quilting classes are all over. They finished well, most of the ladies got them bound, though I think all but one or two still had some quilting to do. By the second week of classes the ladies were all mostly listening to the devotionals and by the last couple days they were stopping what they were doing for the most part so they could focus on the story. The last devotional was the Easter story and I think all the devotionals clearly presented the gospel. The Lord promises that His word will not return void, so please continue to pray that He will continue to tug at their hearts and that they would turn to Him.

One of the ladies, Loretta, from the evening class is coming over for dinner tonight, she's very sweet, it will be late morning for you all when she's here. Please pray that we would have to opportunity to turn our conversation toward spiritual things.

Carmen and i went down to Umbria, that's a province or state or whatever they call them here, after church on Sunday and spent a few days with a wonderful missionary family in Umbertide. We had a wonderful time resting and visiting and in general having an amazing time. We were able to visit Perugia, which was gorgeous, spring is in full swing here, so all the trees are blooming and starting to leaf out.

Please be praying for a lady, Signora Carmen, she's in the hospital right now, Carmen and I have been going to visit her about once a week for the last few weeks. We went to see her on Wednesday and she was yellow, like her liver is failing. We're going again this afternoon to see her. She is not a Christian, she's been around the church here a lot over the last several years, but she hasn't come to a realization of her sin and she has no urgency concerning her salvation. On Wed when we went I spent most of the hour that we were there praying and crying out to God to get hold of this dear woman's heart, when we left I was completely exhausted, as if I weren't tired enough before. I always forget how draining it is to fight spiritual battles, maybe that mean I don't engage often enough, or maybe it just means that I see that the battle is worth fighting so the cost seems small. Also, please pray for Mara, Signora Carmen's roommate. She's been hearing everything Carmen has been telling Signora Carmen and she told Carmen that she feels like it would be wrong to turn to God now when she ignored Him while she was well. They both seem near death's door and they're near the end of having a choice, it's absolutely horrible to think of them entering eternity without life.

I received an envelope from Mercer Creek Church the other day with encouragement cards, and they certainly were encouraging, thanks to those who sent them, it was a blessing. It was wonderful to have something familiar from home.

I'm completely in love with Italy, and the people here. God only knows where I'll wind up eventually but I'm beginning to realize that I very easily fall in love with places and people, which may be a good thing, but it's also a hard thing.

Carmen and I went to Sylvia's house for a Bible study yesterday. Sylvia is the sweetest old lady you will ever meet, and she loves the Lord so much, it was amazingly encouraging. I want to be like her when I grow up! She doesn't let life get her down, she praises the Lord for the good and the bad and loves everyone around her and prays for her family to come to the Lord.

Tomorrow evening Carmen and all the other missionaries here in Mestre and a couple from the church are going over to Ziggy's house for dinner. Ziggy is an American who has been in Italy for over 10 years I think, but she doesn't speak much more Italian than I do. She was rather distraught when she found out I was going to be around because she just couldn't fit one more person at her table. I do not mean this in a bad way at all, you'd have to know Ziggy to really understand, she felt quite bad about it, but Carmen solved the "problem" by finding something for me to do! So Saturday evening I will be spending the evening with Francesca, an Italian who speaks amazing English, she came to Mestre to work with the church, she's wonderful and I'm very much looking forward to spending the time with her, and her roommate Nicola, who is from England.

I think I'm going to stop now, i feel like I'm forgetting something, but oh well. I will try to get the photos from the quilting classes and from our trip to Umbertide uploaded soon.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ciao, Come stai? (hi, how are you)

Well, it's been over a week I've been here now. I was quite amazed as I was sitting in church this morning at how completely lost I was and overwhelmed by the Italian language and now I can actually understand a portion of the words people say. Honestly, I do believe it's a gift, Cindy and Carmen have both expressed that I'm picking up on the language much faster than most people would. It is very exciting to me that I can partially track with a conversation. Part of that is that Italian is a Latin based language and English has some Latin roots, but most of it is repetition and asking lots of question, I'm very blessed that Carmen hasn't become tired of my incessant, "what is é?" "is", "while e is the, right." They both sound like our letter "a" but it's the context in which it's used, it only looks different on the page, it doesn't sound any different. I fall asleep and wake up thinking about simple Italian words and trying to remember what everything means. As I said, Carmen has been very patient with me and she's excited to teach me

We went into Venice yesterday, as we were on the bus on the way Carmen was trying to teach me some Italian verbs, she says I'll be able to understand a lot more once I can get them into my head, I'm not convinced yet, but I'm trying to track with what she's trying to teach me. This Italian man in the bus heard Carmen trying to teach me these verbs and he asks in English if she's a teacher. So we started talking, he spoke very good English and he said that Carmen spoke better Italian than he did! We were having a wonderful conversation until he realized what Carmen had been saying when she said she worked with the Evangelical church and then he got a bit hostile about how he had a right to his opinion and we had a right ours and he respected ours, but he'd done everthing in his life by his brain and his muscle and when he died that was it, finito. I was quite taken aback, Carmen had told me about that kind of response, and it's not that I didn't believe her, but it's one thing to hear about that sort of situation, it's totally different to experience it.

We're half way done with the quilting classes, I actually have hope that the ladies might be able to get the quilts done! We had one lady that came the first day and hasn't been able to come back, I think it's something to do with her child, but I could only pick out a few words in her explanation to Cindy, she was speaking Italian. Other than that all the ladies have been coming faithfully. Some of them listen during the devotionals, but it's hard to know if anything is getting through, and a soft heart would be an exception among the Italians. By and large they are good people and therefore they don't see the need for a Savior to forgive their sins. It's really very sad, but the workers here are still faithfully sowing seeds and praying that one day, whether they're here to see it or not, they will bear fruit.

The food is amazing. I've been eating so much it's a wonder my clothes still fit, but when you factor in walking and longer spaces between meals I guess it all evens out.

It really cracks me up, you see pictures of Italy with laundry hanging on lines outside of windows and think it's kinda weird, but it quite typical, very few people have dryers and everyone really does hang their laundry out the window.

I will write more when I get the chance, but for now I feel like I just need to post this as I started it yesterday and it doesn't seem very likely I'll get time to finish it today. Here's the link to my photo album on facebook, you can view it even if you aren't on facebook.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

5 days in Italia!

Well, I've been here for five days now. We spent the last 4 days insanely getting ready for the quilting class, we barely had it together for the classes yesterday, but God is gracious and we did make it. We had 7 people in the morning class and 9 in the evening class, it was a good amount.

The morning class was an older group and very traditional, Catholic, like most of Italy. Aparently the Catholic church in Italy is much different than in America, the older generation at least is very closed to "Protestants", Steve said they think of us as JWs or Hare Krishnas. However the evening class was a younger group, 30s to 40s I think, and they were much more open and they had a wonderful time, Cindy told them that next time she would tell them a short Bible story while they were sewing and they were quite pleased with that.

I do miss home a bit, especially when I'm having a hard time getting along with certain personality types, but God is working on me and I trust that He is using it all for the best.

Last night I had a wonderful chat with a young man, Thomas, who was here helping Carmen with children's programs the last week and a half. Their flight got cancelled yesterday and so they had an extra night here. He's fromm Austria but he's spent this school year working at a Bible college in Sweden. Thomas is a young Christian, but his passion and devotion to the Lord are inspiring and refreshing, it was wonderful to talk of the things of the Lord!

Please pray for the coming quilting classes, they are on M,W,F at 10-12 in the morning and 8-10 in the evening. Last night's class would have stayed until midnight if we'd let them I think. We are 9 hours ahead here, so the morning class would be from 1-3 in the morning in WA and the evening would be from 11 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.

Thanks for all you prayers. Feel free to e-mail me or facebook me or whatever, I'll do my best to respond, I don't think that my life will be as crazy for the rest of the time I'm here. :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My latest letter

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Dear Friends and Family,
My trip is upon me, I’m leaving tomorrow. I know everything will work out in God’s time. I have received more information since my last letter and details have come together. It’s very exciting to see how God has worked and continues to make everything happen at the right time.
Here’s my itinerary:
Italy 3/27-4/28
Greece 4/29-6/15
Philippines 6/17-6/24
Cambodia 6/25-8/2
Some gracious women donated fabric for the quilting class I’ll be doing in Mestre, and I purchased a bit of backing and batting for the quilts. The lady that I’m doing the class with, Cindy, is very excited. We decided to make prayer/comfort shawls or wall hangings. I’ll also be helping to make banners for their new church building. Carmen will keep me pretty busy with her everyday ministries. I think we’ll be doing some park ministry with children, as well.
I’ve had a good deal of contact with the girls, though not with the guys, who are doing Impact Training in Greece. We’re all looking forward to getting to know each other. We’ll be meeting in Athens a day early, where we will do some sight seeing, then travel up to Volos together. I will have very limited internet contact on this leg of my journey.
Due to conflicting schedules I’ll be going to the Philippines immediately after Greece, to visit the midwifery school. The best thing about that is that my friend Janelle will still be there, so I’ll get to see her and get a better perspective on things, since there will be someone there that I know. I’ll be there for one week; Global Ventures was willing to push the Cambodia trip back some and I wanted to be sensitive to their scheduling.
I’ll be in Cambodia for about 5 1/2 weeks. I’ve had contact with the Lobbezoos--the missionaries I’ll be working and staying with. There will be one other person on the team, Jackie, from Nyack College in New York. We will be helping with two English camps, and we will spend one week on the Gulf of Thailand where the CMA missionaries in Cambodia are having their annual conference--Jackie and I will be watching over the missionaries’ children while they’re in meetings. The cost of airfare was taken out of Global Ventures’ total, making it $2250, $1600 less than the original cost.
As of today, my tickets are paid for. That leaves $2250 for GV, $500 for Italy and around $150 for costs in the Philippines. Please pray that God would continue to provide. I know He has the resources and I choose to trust Him, I know that God promises to provide when we seek His Kingdom and follow Him. I’m continually reminded that faith is a choice, not a feeling, and that brings me peace
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, prayers, and donations. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on what’s happening via the internet, please drop me an e-mail at, with a quick note asking to be added to my e-mail newsletter list. You can track me through Facebook, or follow my blog, There will be more pictures on Facebook than on the blog, but I will upload photos to both sites.

Naomi Beebe

Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting close

It's countdown time, I have 13 days left in America! I still have a lot left to do, and here I sit, I'm actually waiting for my ticket reservation for one of my flights in the Philippines to go through, it's taking forever.

Erin B. through me a beautiful shower on Sunday, I got the chance to share with everyone that came--close to 50 people--a bit more about what I was doing and all I've found out since my letter went out.

Finances: I have close to half of what I need, I think I almost have my tickets paid for, praise the Lord! Yes, my tickets are about half the cost of the trip.

I have everything that I need either ordered or written down to buy in town in the next week or two. All my immunizations are done, yay!!!

I can't think of anything else to say at the moment. I'm enjoying being very at peace and not the least bit worried right now, things are coming together and I trust that God will continue to work things out in His time. I'm hoping that this isn't fleeting and I'm not going to be freaking out tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have tickets!

I bought my tickets on Friday so it's all official and laid out. No turning back! I still have a lot of details to iron out in the next 5 weeks. It keeps getting closer faster, pretty soon it'll be here and I'll be leaving.

Please continue to pray that God would provide in His time and that I would be able to get done the things that I need to get done.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Since I sent out my letter...

I've had a few changes in schedule. I won't be going to England to see my sister, per the Lord's direction. And I will be going to the Philippines to check out the midwifery school, but I will be going before Cambodia for one week rather than after.

My prayer letter from January

Dear Friends and Family,

I’m writing to let you know what is going on in my life and to ask you to pray for me. I’m not asking for money, though if you want to support me monetarily, this gives you that option. I know that when and where God directs, He provides, and I’m doing my very best to walk in obedience to Him.

The last year has been a bit of a rollercoaster concerning plans, but here’s a brief overview of what the next eight months will look like for me.

I’m leaving the States the end of March. I will be going to Mestre (mainland Venice) to work with Carmen, a missionary friend who I’ve known for quite a few years. She is a single career missionary who has been there about 15 years working on a church plant. Italy is very Catholic, and their church is the only Protestant church in the area. My rough estimate is that there are less than 50 people in the congregation. I have been e-mailing Carmen and she’s hoping I’ll be able to teach a quilting class as an outreach to women, while I’m there. Other than that, I’ll just be helping her with what she does everyday.

I’ll be leaving Italy around April 20th to visit my sister in England. From there, I will be going to Greece for a discipleship course, May 1st through June 14th. We will be studying the Epistles of Paul aboard a 90 ft schooner, learning to sail and doing outreach in port towns.

Next comes Cambodia, with Global Ventures, through the Christian and Missionary Alliance. I have received confirmation that I will be there from about June 17th through the end of July. I’ll be working with missionaries, along with one to five other students.

After I leave Cambodia, Lord willing, I will be going to Davao in the Philippines to visit an International Christian midwifery school that a friend of mine has gone to. The Lord has flung the door wide open and I’m very excited about the possibility of a career as a midwife on the mission field. If everything works out and the Lord provides for tuition, the plan would be for me to go down for their two year program in the fall of 2010.

I’ve gotten price quotes for airfare and it will be about $3,000 for all my destinations. I will also be purchasing overseas health insurance which will be around $150 or less for five months. Expenses in Italy will be about $400. I have already paid for the discipleship course in Greece. The price for Cambodia will likely be around $3,000. I also have necessary vaccines that cost between $350 and $500. My head is starting to spin, but my Heavenly Father “owns the cattle on a thousand hills,” and I know He will provide.

I will write again when I have more information about Cambodia. I’m very much looking forward to what God is going to do in and through me during the next year.

Please pray

~That I will trust God completely.
~That I will be teachable, and have a servant’s heart.

~That God would provide the funds needed.

~That God will use people and places to reveal Himself, and His plans for my life.

My long term goal is to go into overseas missions, so my reason for going to Italy, Cambodia and the Philippines is to give me a better idea of what life is like overseas; and to see how different missionaries do things. I got a taste in Taipei and I look forward to seeing other facets of the overseas’ mission field. I know this is going to be a huge year of growing and learning and stretching. I’m very excited, and frankly, terrified. God is working in my heart to bring me to trust Him more and taking this trip is a big part of that. I feel very blessed that He has opened the doors and given me the strength to walk through them.

Thank you for making time to read this, and I appreciate your prayers. If you would like to contribute financially, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to Mercer Creek Church; please write “N. Beebe, G.V. Trip” in the memo line, and mail to:

Mercer Creek Church

1407 N “B” Street

Ellensburg, WA 98926

In His Service,

Naomi Beebe

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi Everyone!

I thought it'd be a good idea to start blogging as I'll be out of the country for about four and a half months this year and it's a good way to let you all know what's going on in my life. So that's about it for now, I'll update before I leave and do my best to get on at least once a month while I'm gone.
